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Monitoring Linux Process Monitoring

Collect and monitor basic information of processes on Linux systems, including CPU usage, memory usage, physical memory, IO, etc.

Configuration Parameters

Parameter NameParameter Description
Target HostThe IPv4, IPv6, or domain name of the monitored endpoint. Note ⚠️: Do not include the protocol header (e.g., https://, http://).
Task NameIdentifies the name of this monitoring, ensuring uniqueness.
PortSSH port of the Linux system, default: 22
TimeoutSets the timeout for the connection in milliseconds, default is 6000 milliseconds.
Reuse ConnectionSets whether SSH connection is reused, default is false. When false, a new connection is created for each information retrieval.
UsernameUsername for the server.
PasswordPassword for the server.
Process NameName or part of the name of the process to be monitored.
CollectorSpecifies which collector to use for scheduling this monitoring.
Monitoring IntervalInterval for periodic data collection, in seconds. Minimum interval that can be set is 30 seconds.
TagsUsed for categorizing and managing monitoring resources.
DescriptionAdditional notes and descriptions for identifying this monitoring. Users can add remarks here.
Private KeyPrivate key required for connecting to the server.

Metrics Collected

Metric Set: Process Basic Information

Metric NameMetric UnitMetric Description
MEMNONEMemory Usage
rssNONEPhysical Memory

Metric Set: Memory Usage Information

Metric NameMetric UnitMetric Description
detailNONEDetailed metrics

Includes metrics for:

  • Peak Virtual Memory
  • Current Virtual Memory Usage
  • Locked Memory
  • Fixed Memory
  • Peak Physical Memory
  • Current Physical Memory Usage
  • Data Segment Size
  • Stack Size
  • Code Size
  • Shared Library Size
  • Page Table Entry Size

Metric Set: Other Monitoring Information

Metric NameMetric UnitMetric Description
pathNONEExecution Path
dateNONEStart Time
fd_countNONENumber of File Descriptors Opened

Metric Set: IO

Metric NameMetric UnitMetric Description
metricNONEMetric Name
valueNONEMetric Value

Includes metrics for:

  • rchar (Total bytes read by the process from disk or other files)
  • wchar (Total bytes written by the process to disk or other files)
  • syscr (Number of read operations initiated by the process)
  • syscw (Number of write operations initiated by the process)
  • read_bytes (Actual number of bytes read by the process from disk)
  • write_bytes (Actual number of bytes written by the process to disk)
  • cancelled_write_bytes (Actual number of bytes cancelled by the process while writing to disk)