监控 RabbitMQ 消息中间件
对 RabbitMQ 消息中间件的运行状态,节点,队列等相关指标进行监测。
HertzBeat 使用 RabbitMQ Management 的 Rest Api 对 RabbitMQ 进行指标数据采集。
故需要您的 RabbitMQ 环境开启 Management 插件
- 开启 Management 插件,或使用自开启版本
rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_management
浏览器访问 http://ip:15672/ ,默认账户密码
. 成功登录即开启成功。在 HertzBeat 添加对应 RabbitMQ 监控即可,参数使用 Management 的 IP 端口,默认账户密码。
参数名称 | 参数帮助描述 |
监控Host | 被监控的对端IPV4,IPV6或域名。注意⚠️不带协议头(eg: https://, http://)。 |
任务名称 | 标识此监控的名称,名称需要保证唯一性。 |
端口 | RabbitMQ Management 对外提供的HTTP端口,默认为15672。 |
用户名 | 接口Basic认证时使用的用户名 |
密码 | 接口Basic认证时使用的密码 |
超时时间 | HTTP请求查询超时时间 |
采集间隔 | 监控周期性采集数据间隔时间,单位秒,可设置的最小间隔为30秒 |
是否探测 | 新增监控前是否先探测检查监控可用性,探测成功才会继续新增修改操作 |
描述备注 | 更多标识和描述此监控的备注信息,用户可以在这里备注信息 |
指标名称 | 指标单位 | 指标帮助描述 |
product_version | 无 | 产品版本 |
product_name | 无 | 产品名称 |
rabbitmq_version | 无 | rabbitmq 版本 |
management_version | 无 | rabbitmq management 插件版本 |
erlang_version | 无 | erlang 版本 |
cluster_name | 无 | 集群名称 |
rates_mode | 无 | rates模式 |
指标名称 | 指标单位 | 指标帮助描述 |
channels | 无 | channels的总数量 |
connections | 无 | connections的总数量 |
consumers | 无 | consumers的总数量 |
exchanges | 无 | exchanges的总数量 |
queues | 无 | queues的总数量 |
指标名称 | 指标单位 | 指标帮助描述 |
name | 无 | The node name |
type | 无 | The node type |
running | 无 | Running state |
os_pid | 无 | Pid in OS |
mem_limit | MB | Memory usage high watermark |
mem_used | MB | Total amount of memory used |
fd_total | 无 | File descriptors available |
fd_used | 无 | File descriptors used |
sockets_total | 无 | Sockets available |
sockets_used | 无 | Sockets used |
proc_total | 无 | Erlang process limit |
proc_used | 无 | Erlang processes used |
disk_free_limit | GB | Free disk space low watermark |
disk_free | GB | Free disk space |
gc_num | 无 | GC runs |
gc_bytes_reclaimed | MB | Bytes reclaimed by GC |
context_switches | 无 | Context_switches num |
io_read_count | 无 | 总共读操作的数量 |
io_read_bytes | KB | 总共读入磁盘数据大小 |
io_read_avg_time | ms | 读操作平均时间,毫秒为单位 |
io_write_count | 无 | 磁盘写操作总量 |
io_write_bytes | KB | 写入磁盘数据总量 |
io_write_avg_time | ms | 每个磁盘写操作的平均时间,毫秒为单位 |
io_seek_count | 无 | seek操作总量 |
io_seek_avg_time | ms | seek操作的平均时间,毫秒单位 |
io_sync_count | 无 | fsync操作的总量 |
io_sync_avg_time | ms | fsync操作的平均时间,毫秒为单位 |
connection_created | 无 | connection created num |
connection_closed | 无 | connection closed num |
channel_created | 无 | channel created num |
channel_closed | 无 | channel closed num |
queue_declared | 无 | queue declared num |
queue_created | 无 | queue created num |
queue_deleted | 无 | queue deleted num |
connection_closed | 无 | connection closed num |
指标名称 | 指标单位 | 指标帮助描述 |
name | 无 | The name of the queue with non-ASCII characters escaped as in C. |
node | 无 | The queue on the node name |
state | 无 | The state of the queue. Normally "running", but may be "{syncing, message_count}" if the queue is synchronising. |
type | 无 | Queue type, one of: quorum, stream, classic. |
vhost | 无 | vhost path |
auto_delete | 无 | Whether the queue will be deleted automatically when no longer used |
policy | 无 | Effective policy name for the queue. |
consumers | 无 | Number of consumers. |
memory | B | Bytes of memory allocated by the runtime for the queue, including stack, heap and internal structures. |
messages_ready | 无 | Number of messages ready to be delivered to clients |
messages_unacknowledged | 无 | Number of messages delivered to clients but not yet acknowledged |
messages | 无 | Sum of ready and unacknowledged messages (queue depth) |
messages_ready_ram | 无 | Number of messages from messages_ready which are resident in ram |
messages_persistent | 无 | Total number of persistent messages in the queue (will always be 0 for transient queues) |
message_bytes | B | Sum of the size of all message bodies in the queue. This does not include the message properties (including headers) or any overhead |
message_bytes_ready | B | Like message_bytes but counting only those messages ready to be delivered to clients |
message_bytes_unacknowledged | B | Like message_bytes but counting only those messages delivered to clients but not yet acknowledged |
message_bytes_ram | B | Like message_bytes but counting only those messages which are currently held in RAM |
message_bytes_persistent | B | Like message_bytes but counting only those messages which are persistent |